WilmU LeaderCamp - DOVER CAMPUS

By WilmU LeaderCamp (other events)

Saturday, March 16 2013 9:00 AM 3:00 PM EDT

WilmU LeaderCamp is a free unconference for students, faculty, and alumni of Wilmington University based on the Edcamp model and devoted to issues and ideas surrounding leadership in all of its forms. Its goal is to assemble forward-thinking leaders and leaders-to-be in PK-12 education, higher education, and other organizations for a day of conversation, reflection, and inspiration.


There are no keynotes. There is no preset agenda. Everything to be discussed that day is determined by the attendees themselves on the morning of the event! 

Please join us for our 2nd WilmU LeaderCamp event! 


Attendees must be affiliated with Wilmington University's MA (Graduate School of Education) or EdD (Leadership Programs) -- faculty, students, alumni, etc.